The West Bengal government has launched the West Bengal Nijashree Housing Scheme, which intends to offer housing to both lower and middle-income households. The government intends to construct blocks of at least 16 flats & 3 buildings, with the cost of land not included in the unit cost. The freehold land will be deemed a subsidy to the beneficiary. To be eligible for this plan, the applicant needs to fulfil the eligibility criteria. The state government has budgeted Rs. 3000 crore to build residential flats.
The major goal of the Nijashree Housing Scheme is to give housing amenities to West Bengal residents. With the execution of this project, the government would provide flats for those who do not own their own homes, allowing them to live properly. Under the WB Nijashree Housing Scheme, the West Bengal government offers 1 BHK with 378 sq. ft carpet area priced at Rs. 7.82 lakh and 2 BHK with 559 sq. ft carpet area priced at Rs. 9.26 lakh. The primary purpose is to provide housing to residents from low- and middle-income families.
– This program will offer housing units of at least 16 flats and 3 buildings on government properties, local bodies’ lands, and other parastatals. – The minimum built-up space for a one-bedroom flat will be 35.15 square meters, which will be created for the low-income group. – The minimum space for a two-bedroom flat will be 50.96 square meters and will be built for the middle-income group. – The unit cost of a stand-up build-up area varies according to the location and amount of land available. – The recipient is not compelled to pay for offside infrastructure, such as roads, boundary barriers, etc. – The beneficiary will also receive the benefit of a credit link subsidy plan.
– Lower Income Group (LIG) requires a monthly family income of ₹15,000 or less. – The Middle Income Group (MIG) requires a monthly family income of ₹30,000 or less. – The beneficiary should not have a pucca house/flat in his or her name or in the name of any family member in the state. – The candidate must live in the same district where the project has conducted.
– Passport Size photo – Original Income Certificate (issued by the SDO/BDO, the employer, or any other competent authority) – Original Affidavit / Declaration – Copy of Voter Card – Copy of Ration card – Copy of PAN Card – Copy of Aadhar Card – Bank Details – Any other specified documents for proof of address (electricity bill/telephone bill/copy of bank passbook, etc.)
– You can collect the application form from the District Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Officer’s office. – You can download the form and take a printout of it. – Fill all the blanks with the appropriate answers, and attach the documents asked for. – Then, submit all the papers to the branch of the bank from where you collect the application.
The flats under the Nijashree housing program are located in the districts of South 24 Parganas, North 24 Parganas, Hooghly, Nadia, Kolkata, Howda, Bankura, and others, as indicated in the advertising.