The Gujarat government has launched the Atmanirbhar Gujarat Sahay Yojana, which will provide a Rs. 1 lakh advance at a 2% loan cost rate. This is state government assistance in the form of a Rs. 5000 crore package for individuals. It includes small business owners, skilled specialists, autorickshaw drivers, circuit testers, and others whose financial activities have been hampered by the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown. Gujarat’s state administration would provide an additional 6% incentive to banks providing credit under the AGSY aimed at small enterprises.
The primary goal of the Atmanirbhar Gujarat Sahay Scheme is to provide loans to all businessmen whose operations have suffered as a result of the coronavirus lockdown. The government is offering a Rs 1 lakh loan at 2% interest. With this loan, Gujarat business owners can resume operations that were halted owing to the coronavirus lockdown.
The Gujarat government would provide a one lakh rupee loan at 2% interest, which will be a terrific offer for those businessmen who wish to restart their operations following the lockdown. According to Gujarat government officials, this arrangement is considerably superior to all of the other states’ incentives of merely Rs. 5000.
– The initiative benefits the state’s 10 lakh small-business owners, including grocery store owners, vegetable vendors, and autorickshaw drivers. – Beneficiaries would receive a collateral-free loan of up to Rs. 1 lakh. – Applicants must pay 2% interest every year, while the state government will pay the remaining 6% interest. – Beneficiaries will be granted a 6-month moratorium. – The government has approved Rs.5000 crore for the project.
– The applicant must be a permanent resident of Gujarat, India. – This scheme is only open to candidates who fall below the poverty threshold.
– Hairdressers – Electricians – Skilled workers – Small business – Auto-rickshaw drivers – Other citizens with lesser wages
– Go to the official site and click on the “Gujarat Sahay Yojana Application Form PDF” link. – Take a printout of the downloaded application form and fill it out. – Next, provide your bank information and contact information. – Attach all the required documents listed on the application form. – Then, submit the completed application form to any of Gujarat’s District Co-operative Banks, Urban Co-operative Banks, or Credit Societies.
– Aadhar card – Ration card – Mobile number – Passport size photograph – Income certificate – Domicile certificate